You are viewing version 3 of the library, the latest version is


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

[3.3.2] - 2020-03


  • Component(s):
    Description: Put old fonts in the `/fonts/` folder for backwards compatibility
  • Component(s):
    Description: Put `aria.switch.js` script in the `/js/` folder for backwards compatibility

[3.3.1] - 2020-02


  • Component(s): lists
    Change(s): css
    Description: (Re)added the styling for the ordered list

[3.3.0] - 2020-02


  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Change(s): JS, HTML
    Description: Removed the `pandosearch.showFacets()` to fix duplicate calls to pandosearch
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Fixed a bug that send empty autocomplete search requests

[3.2.1] - 2020-02


  • Component(s): navbar
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Fixed wrong position of placeholder in IE11

[3.2.0] - 2019-12


[3.1.0] - 2019-11


  • Component(s):
    Description: Every deploy to release will create a new version on the changelog page

[3.0.0] - 2019-08


  • Component(s): facets-advanced
    Description: Advanced facets with collapsible groups and checkboxes
  • Component(s): pills
    Description: Added the pills component
  • Component(s): tabs--pills
    Description: Added an example to the tabs with the pills component


  • Component(s): navbar-primary, navbar-white
    Description: Added the new autocomplete component to the navbar and it now uses Pandosearch
  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Description: Usage of the new search components (autocomplete, facets, results) and implemented Pandosearch
  • Component(s): default-template, forminputs-template
    Description: Now makes use of Pandosearch for the autocomplete in the navbar
  • Component(s): navbar
    Description: The mobile navbar is moved from the hamburger menu to the navbar
  • Component(s): accordion
    Description: Made the accordion component more accessible
  • Component(s): button-horizontal-collapse
    Description: Made horizontal collapsing button more accessible
  • Component(s): footer
    Description: Make footer more accessible
  • Component(s): alerts
    Description: Made close button more accessible
  • Component(s): input
    Description: The input element has now screen reader friendly feedback
  • Component(s): select
    Description: Add more contrasting focus color
  • Component(s): navbar-primary, navbar-white
    Description: Changed the way menu items look on hover and various small accessibility changes
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Description: Improved accessibility
  • Component(s): carousel
    Description: Improved accessibility
  • Component(s): forminputs-template
    Description: Added the changed input element to this overview
  • Component(s): input
    Description: Change p in example to div
  • Component(s): select
    Description: Improved accessibility for the select component
  • Component(s): progressbar
    Description: Added better example
  • Component(s): navbar-primary
    Description: Added missing alt attribute
  • Component(s): sidenav
    Description: Moved div outside of ul
  • Component(s): timepicker
    Description: Made inputs self-closing
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS, CSS, HTML
    Description: Added option to show section headers
  • Component(s): navbar-primary
    Change(s): HTML, JS
    Description: Added section headers to the pandosearch autocomplete results
  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Description: Added reference to the pagination component
  • Component(s): cards-filename, cards-services, cards-services-no-icon, cards-news
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: Added underline to read-more link
  • Component(s): no-title-link, title-link
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: Added underline to links
  • Component(s): facets
    Description: Fixed active-icon in edge
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Fixed issues with IE11
  • Component(s): navbar-primary
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Some styling changes for the clear input button
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): CSS, HTML, JS
    Description: Added a clear input button and fixed some small issues with the headers
  • Component(s): facets, facets-advanced
    Change(s): CSS, JS
    Description: Hide “filter results” bar when there are no facets
  • Component(s): stepper
    Change(s): HTML, JS
    Description: Use correct step status labels (aria-label was preventing the screenreader to read the rest of the step contents)
  • Component(s): listing
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Removed extra focus border on title
  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Change(s): JS
    Description: It is possible to sort facets
  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Change(s): JS
    Description: The search results will show the description instead of the body
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Increase timeout so the click event will fire before closing the dropdown
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): HTML, JS
    Description: Opening and closing the autocomplete is now more robust
  • Component(s): stepper
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Changed classes so it works with the new mdbootstrap version
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Break long items on word
  • Component(s): navbar-primary
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Close the mobile menu when clicked outside or when smooth scroll is enabled and clicked on an item
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS[]
    Description: Improved the way the autocomplete results are closed when clicked outside
  • Component(s): date-picker
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Improved accessibility by removing buttons from the picker from the tabindex
  • Component(s): pagination
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Improved accessibility changing the aria-labels for page landmarks
  • Component(s): facets-advanced
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Improved accessibility by removing the region role
  • Component(s): tabs
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: Improved accessibility by changing from the list to just divs
  • Component(s): tags
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Improved accessibility by adding a label to the button
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Improved accessibility by adding role and aria-hidden
  • Component(s): carousel
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Improved readability of script and change native DOM manipulation for jQuery
  • Component(s): date-picker
    Change(s): HTML, CSS, JS
    Description: Improved screen-reader support
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Add highlight on focus and hover
  • Component(s): inline-text-elements
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: Removed underline element and used styling instead
  • Component(s): hover-effects
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Add dummy alt tag
  • Component(s): popover
    Change(s): HTML
    Description: Use h1 element in the example
  • Component(s): facets
    Change(s): CSS
    Description: Add default color so every heading can be used
  • Component(s): complex-table, normal-table
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: Added caption to improve accessibility
  • Component(s): default-template, searchresults-template
    Description: Added navbar scripts on the CL
  • Component(s): navbar-primary
    Change(s): HTML, JS
    Description: Added some extra scripts to make closing the autocomplete results possible
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Also close the searchbar on mobile when clicked outside
  • Component(s): autocomplete
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Added method to change the icon of the autocomplete based on whether the input field is empty or not
  • Component(s): searchresults-template
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Changed pandosearch example script so it will change the icon of the autocomplete
  • Component(s): navbar
    Change(s): CSS, HTML
    Description: The HTML and CSS for the primary and white navbar is now the same (except colors)
  • Component(s): carousel
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Removed pause on hover because it interfered with the pause button
  • Component(s): navbar
    Change(s): JS
    Description: Added script to detect scrolling on the navbar with ie11